Daytona Beach Family Law Attorney
Daytona Beach Family Law Attorney

Divorce can be a trying time filled with courtroom visits and emotional turmoil. It’s not easy for anyone involved and even harder on children caught in the middle. What if it didn’t have to be difficult though? The emotional stress might still be present. But what if you never had to step forth into a courtroom? You wouldn’t have to worry about what the judge is about to say. The worry of an unknown outcome would be a lot less. Your children wouldn’t feel as torn between two worlds. In general, it is easier for everyone. Luckily this is now a valid option in the state of Florida with Collaborative Divorce.
Collaborative Divorce is a situation where both sides of the marriage agree to communicate. They work together to end the marriage. Not only does it not go to court, going to court is actually discouraged by this route. With the signing of a contract called a “Participation agreement”. This says both sides agree to work together. It also bars any attorney involved from taking part in any litigations. Meaning if the Collaborative Divorce doesn’t work the parties have to hire new attorneys. It also helps by having the option to bring in neutral parties. Meaning professionals that are not representing either side of the separation. These neutral parties are often times mental health professionals or financial experts. They help advice to the best course of action. One that will leave the least amount of consequences between the two parties.
Divorce can cause stress and mental strain on the ones involved. It’s important to reduce this stress as much as possible. An added benefit of a Collaborative Divorce is that it can often be more cost-effective. You’re not paying for a courtroom battle to separate from your spouse. During a divorce, you might find your financial situation changing drastically. You want to save money where you can until you know your financial situation is stable.
If you want a Collaborative Divorce to end your marriage contact Lauren Koleilat. A Daytona Beach Family Law Attorney. Lauren has years of experience in family law that she will bring to your case.