Divorce and the Holidays
Divorce and the Holidays
Divorce can be a traumatizing experience, but during the holidays, it can be especially taxing on your emotional state. Divorce changes the family dynamic, and that of course will ultimately change the way that you and your family spend the holidays. However, divorce doesn’t have to be the elephant in the room at your family gathering this holiday season. It may take rebuilding your family traditions from the ground up, but retaining some of your old family traditions while integrating new ones can help ease the process of change in your family’s life. This helps to reassure your children that holiday traditions will continue, while introducing them to the idea that the holidays will be spent a little differently from now on.
One way to make the process easier is to create a support system within the immediate and extended members of your family who are familiar to your children. By recruiting their help in integrating these new holiday family traditions, you’re helping to create a safe and comfortable family environment where your children can enjoy the holidays in spite of the emotional strife of the divorce.
Here at Koleilat and Miller, we have been serving Volusia and Flagler counties in the area of family law since 2003. We strive to put your family first, and we are on call 24/7 to help you make the transition as smooth as possible. Take care of your family this holiday season, and let us take care of you.