Life After Divorce 101
Life After Divorce 101
Divorce is a difficult experience, but it doesn’t have to be the end of everything. Many people find a new love and go on to lead happy lives after divorcing their spouses. But even if you’re not ready for a new relationship, that’s okay! You will get through this, and eventually, you’ll feel better about yourself and your situation than ever before.
What Does Life After Divorce Look Like?
Divorce is a significant change. There’s no getting around that. It will be challenging, but it doesn’t mean your life is over. In some ways, divorce might be a positive change for you—you will have more free time and autonomy as you rebuild yourself after the marriage ends.
Perhaps the most important thing to remember about divorce is this: it’s an opportunity for growth. This may not seem like a good thing at first—after all, who wants their life to “grow” if it means they’re going through personal turmoil? But think about it: doesn’t it usually get bigger or better when something grows? So why should we treat divorce differently? If anything, this time of transition can provide us with an opportunity for self-reflection and make us better people in the long run!
Divorce also provides another opportunity: taking stock of our lives and making changes where necessary so we can live happier lives afterward (or while!)
You’re Not Alone
You’re not alone. If you’re going through a divorce, join the club! Countless people have been there and done that—and lived to talk about it. The good news is that there’s a lot of help for you. You can find support groups online or in person, get guidance from lawyers who can help make sure your rights are protected, or even see a therapist if you need help dealing with the emotional side of things.
In short: life after divorce isn’t easy or simple, but it doesn’t have to be hard either!
What Are Some Things You Can Do to Improve Your Quality of Life?
- join a support group. You’ll meet other people going through the same thing, which can be comforting. In addition, many support groups offer advice on improving your quality-of-life post-divorce.
- get a pet. Pets have been known to reduce stress levels by lowering blood pressure and reducing anxiety, so if you’re feeling stressed out or anxious after your divorce has been finalized, getting a pet could help.
- take a class at the local community college or take up an interest in photography or woodworking (or even cooking). It’s important for divorced people who want to improve their lives after divorce because it keeps them occupied, and studies show that having hobbies helps them live longer!
- get a part-time job while looking for full-time work to make ends meet until those wages start rolling in again!
How Exactly Can You Make Those Positive Changes?
Now that you’ve identified the areas where you want to improve, it’s time to focus on the process of change.
It’s been said that if you don’t make a plan for your life, someone else will. The same is true when making positive changes in your life after divorce. If you don’t take control of your future and create a plan for how things can be different, nothing stops the status quo from continuing indefinitely. But if you make a plan, no one but yourself can interfere with its execution!
So, let’s start with this question: what exactly do I need to change? For us to be successful at anything we set our minds to doing (no matter how big or small), we need some kind of target or goal that drives us towards success. So, let’s use this respite between your divorce and moving forward into something new as an opportunity not only just “survive” but thrive!
Can I Get Help with the Process of Finding my Footing Again?
Yes, you can get help. You can hire a lawyer to navigate the process and advise you on what to do next. You can also find a therapist or financial planner who specializes in helping people through divorce and rebuilding their lives after it’s over. A career coach could help you figure out what jobs are available in your area that would be a good fit for your skillset and experience level—and even teach you some new skills so that if there aren’t any open positions right away, at least your resume will look impressive when applying for them!
Finally, if all of this seems too overwhelming, a life coach may be able to show you how to take small steps toward recovery instead of trying to leapfrog straight into “normal” mode again.
You Are Not Alone, And There Are Resources to Help You Through This
- you are not alone. Divorce is a difficult time, but you’re not alone in your struggle. Divorce impacts an estimated 2 million people annually, and many resources are available to help you through this process.
- friends, family, and professional support systems can provide necessary assistance during a divorce. You must know who to turn to for help at each step.
- friends and family can provide emotional support and assistance with everyday tasks like childcare or transportation during divorce proceedings. If you don’t have anyone close by to rely on during this time of transition, consider joining a local divorce support group.
Here at Koleilat Law, we understand that this can be a difficult time in your life. You may feel overwhelmed and confused about what to do next, but resources can help you regain your footing. Our attorneys are here to help you make the smartest and best possible move during or after your divorce; contact us today to schedule a consultation.